Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6

Whenever You Call

This one is a Molly Miller original. She adapted it from her album St. George for your studies by distilling the melody into one CAGED-friendly motif.

Difficulty: 3/10

This song features:

  • An E A A E chord progression
  • A 6/8 ballad feel
  • A pentatonic motif.


Follow along as Molly breaks down the tune.


Here's the same video from above with synced TAB for you to follow.

Your turn

Your turn to shine. The band will back you up while you play Molly's part.

Note: You have two jam videos to choose from.

  • Short: The short version lines up exactly with Molly's performance.
  • Long: The long version just loops the chord changes over and over so that you have more time to explore the track.

